TYPO3 Hosting (Moscow Datacenter)

Normally we host TYPO3-sites of our clients, who use our TYPO3 implementation service.
We do not compete with large hosting companies in price and web-space. But we offer post production support of TYPO3-sites on our hosting and discounts for TYPO3 extension development and customization to our hosting clients.

Standard Package:
Disk space 2048 MB.
Monthly transfer 20 GB.
Monthly charge € 20.
Setup fee FREE.

General Features:
ISPmanager - the well reputable in Russia hosting control panel (www.ispsystem.com).
10 Domains.
Unlimited Subdomains and Domain Pointers.
10 MySQL Databases.
100 POP3 Accounts & IMAP, Access to WebMail.

TYPO3 Related Features:
TYPO3 (latest stable version) preinstalled and preconfigured.
128 Mb memory limit for PHP.
ImageMagic and GraphicsMagick.
GD, gif support, FreeType support.
No performance problems in TYPO3.
TYPO3 support, TYPO3 template creation, extension installation and configuration on hourly basis.

We use fully manage dedicated server, provided by one of the best Russian hosting companies ZAO RUWEB (www.ruweb.net). Our server is located in Moscow Data Center Mednaya Folga.

Have questions?

Tell us about your project

Our contacts:
Email: studio@ttlab.ru
Phone: +7 495 210-05-81
Address: 4/12 building 1, Novokuznetskaya  street,
Moscow, Russia, 119017

Legal person:
INN 7706730097
KPP 770601001
OGRN 1097746837187

Have questions?

Tell us about your project

Our contacts:
Email: studio@ttlab.ru
Phone: +7 495 210-05-81
Address: 4/12 building 1, Novokuznetskaya  street,
Moscow, Russia, 119017

Legal person:
INN 7706730097
KPP 770601001
OGRN 1097746837187